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Mission Director position of World Mission 구인광고


샬롬!  NCKPC 회원 여러분께 올립니다.


PCUSA 총회 Presbyterian Mission Agency에서30년간 섬기시며 Director of World Mission 으로 수고하셨던Rev. Dr. Hunter Farrell 께서 사임을 하시고, 10월 14일부로Pittsburgh Theological Seminary에서Director of the World Mission Initiative 로 섬기게 되셨습니다.


Director of World Mission의 Position Description을 Attachment로 보내드립니다.


관심이 있으신 분은 interim director of Human Resources로 섬기시는 Rev. Ruth Gardner에게 연락해 주시기를 바랍니다. Ruth Gardner 이메일 주소는 다음과 같습니다.  Ruth.gardner@pcusa.org


참고로, Presbyterian Mission Agency에서 Interim Executive Director로 섬기시는  Tony De La Rosa장로님께서 보내주신 구인광고 편지를 아래에 보내드립니다.



신정인 목사 드립니다.

2016년 10월 24일


Dear Sisters and Brothers in Ministry:


Because these are exciting—and critically important—times to be engaged in God’s mission for the transformation of the world, we invite your assistance as we seek the right individual to lead the Presbyterian Mission Agency’s World Mission ministry area into a new era of global mission engagement.


As many of you are by now aware, the Rev. Dr. Hunter Farrell, after 30 years of faithful service to the PC(USA), left his position as director of World Mission on October 14 to serve as the director of the World Mission Initiative of Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. We wish Hunter—who has had a profound and lasting impact on the Presbyterian Mission Agency and its World Mission ministry area—every blessing in his new call as he continues to dedicate his life to God’s global mission.


We now pray that with God’s help—and yours—we will soon be able to identify a leader for a new era of Presbyterian witness in mission fields abroad.


The year 2017 will mark 180 years of international mission by the Presbyterian Church. Over the years, Presbyterian missionaries have planted churches, built hospitals, and started schools on every continent. The seeds sown by those missionaries have, in many places, developed into self-sustaining churches and institutions now led by local Christians. In fact, more than 94 million Christians around the world now belong to churches that were founded or co-founded by Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) mission workers. Today, approximately 125 mission workers, serving with global partners in approximately 50 countries, are engaged in equally vital ministries of sharing their faith in Jesus Christ, educating new church leaders, and working against poverty and violence.


Both missionally and financially, World Mission is in a position of strength. Last year Presbyterians gave more than $8.2 million for mission co-worker support, more than any year in recent history. Because of the generosity of committed Presbyterians, lives are being saved, the hungry are being fed, communities are being transformed, and God’s love and justice are being embodied across the globe. We now invite your help as we seek to call a new partner in ministry to help us to achieve the goals set forth in our 2017-2018 Mission Work Plan, and to inspire, equip, and connect communities of mission practice to engage in God’s mission: to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ, help the most vulnerable—women and children—and promote reconciliation amidst cultures of violence.

We invite you to review the position description for the director of World Mission that has just been posted. If, after prayerful consideration, you would like to recommend to us any potential candidates, please email Ruth Gardner, interim director of Human Resources, with their names, or direct any interested applicants to our online job posting.

With deepest gratitude for your wisdom, guidance, and prayers as we seek God’s will in this endeavor; and may the Holy Spirit continue to enliven and empower your ministry, witness, and service.


In Christ,

Tony De La Rosa

Interim Executive Director

Presbyterian Mission Agency

World Mission Director Position Description 102216.pdf


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