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Job Opportunity Posting


총회 Presbyterian Foundation  에서 섬기실 분을 찾고 있습니다.  Job Opportunity Posting 을 Attachment로 보내드립니다.



신정인 목사 드립니다.

2016년 1월 27일

Director of Church Financial Literacy and Leadership job description.pdf


The Presbyterian Foundation wishes to partner with you in enhancing our recruiting efforts among people of color within our denomination.  We currently employ 62 individuals, and although we experience a low turnover rate, as opportunities arise, it is our ongoing desire to attract and engage a talented and diverse array of potential candidates.  Therefore, we are asking you to please review and share the attached job posting with anyone you feel may be interested in this position.  Please feel free to contact me at the number below if you have questions.  

Thank you for your consideration in helping us promote this career opportunity.




Debbie Haag

SVP, Director HR


Direct Line - 502-569-5986

Fax – 502-805-0435

Toll Free - 1-800-858-6127


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