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한국어 번역사 구함: Position of Korean Translator


지난3 동안 총회에서 번역 사역으로 섬겨주셨던 박선규 목사님께서  9월 2일부터 김춘자 목사님께서 오시던 한어 커리큘럼 자료 개발 사역을 시작하게 되셨습니다. 그래서 총회에서는 박선규 목사님 후임으로 새로운 한국어 번역사를 구하고 있습니다.


교단내외에Dynamic한 여러 사역들을 한국어로 번역하는 일은 전체 한인교회를 위해 중요한 일이므로 우리 교단의 신학과 문화에 대한 이해가 분명한 사람, 동시에 언어적인 전문성을 가진 분이 필요합니다. 전체 한인교회와 교단이 복음사역을 민감하게 감당하는데 도움이 되도록 교단의 정체성 언어적 전문성을 가지고 사역에 동참하실 분은 아래 주소로 신청해 주시기를 부탁드립니다. http://www.louisvilleworks.com/JobSearchDetails.aspx?JobID=232728&frame=false.


총회 Office of CommunicationsDirector of Media and Publishing로 섬기시는  Jeffrey Lawrence에게 연락해 주시기를 바랍니다.( Jeffrey Lawrence 보내 이메일을 아래에 보내드립니다.)



신정인 목사 드립니다.

2018 8 30


Dear Friends,


As you have probably heard, Rev. Sunkyoo Park has accepted a new position, starting September 2, with the PC(USA)’s Congregational Ministries Publishing office to manage Korean Curriculum Development – the work that Grace Choon Kim did so well for many years before her recent retirement. We are very happy for Sunkyoo about this wonderful opportunity and we wish him much success and many blessings in his new post!


Of course, his good news also means that we are losing our staff Korean translator. My objective is to fill this position as soon as possible with someone who is fluent in both English and Korean, is a capable and experienced translator, and has a solid understanding of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), its theology, and its polity.


Given your roles in the caucuses involved with Korean translation, I would welcome your help in identifying possible candidates for this position. One of my key goals is to hire someone who can understand and meet your caucuses’ needs for translation. Ideally, the full-time person we hire will work in our offices in Louisville, but under the right circumstances, it might be possible for someone to work on a deployed basis from a distant location. A complete job description can be found here: http://www.louisvilleworks.com/JobSearchDetails.aspx?JobID=232728&frame=false.


I greatly appreciate any help you can give me in this search. Feel free to contact me (or Sunkyoo) for more details about the position or the work involved.


Thank you again – and I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience!


Warm regards and Christ’s blessings,

Jeffrey Lawrence

Office of Communications

Director of Media and Publishing

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)



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